Thursday, May 30, 2013

UnderTale (Highly recommended)

Title: UnderTale demo
Genre: RPG
Completion Time: I got ten minutes into the demo and then decided I wanted to wait for the full version. 100% will be playing.

A cute, Earthbound-esque RPG that includes the option to talk your way through fights instead of battling.


Combat is interesting on multiple levels. First, there is the aforementioned ability to talk instead of fighting. During the ten minutes I played, I never landed a blow. Always refreshing. Second, the enemies' attacks are little avoidance minigames that are unique to each enemy so far. This would have been engaging on story and tone alone, and they really went the extra mile. 5/5


The combat can get a little repetitive, but the minigames do keep it exciting. The puzzles I encountered definitely could have been more engaging. I wouldn't play it just for the mechanics, but the gameplay is a perfectly serviceable complement to the engaging world and tone.. 3/5


The characters are engaging and endearing, and I laughed out loud within the first five minutes. Great soundtrack too. I also found it surprisingly satisfying to be able to resolve combat nonviolently. Nothing weighty in the game yet, but I was drawn in emotionally just by the demo. I will be interested to see if the full version makes it up to 5/5. 4/5 

The most Earthbound-esque non-Itoi game I have ever played. I am beyond excited for the full version.

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