Title: Gunpoint demo
Genre: Puzzle, action
Completion Time: Thirty-six minutes, which I suspect is kind of embarrassing. I got shot and found myself accidentally jumping onto the ceiling a lot.
Fantastic, unique premise. You have to electronically rewire the building so the guards will accidentally do your bidding--leaving a room, opening doors for you, etc. The autosave system is pretty innovative and really reduces frustration. Also, tricking people is funny. 5/5
I'm not particularly good at puzzles that involve planning ahead, so I suspect this could have been a lot more fun than I was having. I tended to brute-force everything--hook up all the doors to the light switch and then punch out the guards. I suspect I will enjoy it a lot more once I have gotten the hang of the nuances. 3/5
The plot and characters are pretty light, but the music adds a lot to the atmosphere and the dialogue is laugh-out-loud funny. Like Misadventure, Gunpoint accomplishes what it was aiming for. 3/5
A light game with a clever concept, I am definitely looking forward to the full version coming out.
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