Genre: Action, horror
Completion Time: One hour and twenty-three minutes, including many, many deaths and game-overs. I'm pretty bad at these games. After mastering it, a single run-through took ten to fifteen minutes.
An arcade-style horror game best played full-screen at night.
The premise is that this is a portal to the demon world disguised as an old Atari-style game, and they do some neat things playing with that idea. I won't spoil them for you but it adds heavily to the game's appeal. In addition, although it is a simple arcade-style game on the surface, environment and enemy mechanics are both unique and fun to play with. 5/5
I'm the kind of person who rage-quite the third time I die. But in this game, the constant deaths slowly become more and more spread out, leading to a feeling of mastery. The first time you blow through a series of rooms that had repeatedly killed you when you were first playing, you will feel awesome. Not to mention that the game makes extremely satisfying use of a (semi-)invincibility mechanic. 5/5
Not emotional in the typical sense, but "weirdly unsettled" is definitely an emotion. This game creates a neat atmosphere of horror through graphics, sound, and gameplay. Not exactly weighty, but it definitely accomplishes what it was aiming for. 3/5
A combination of concept, gameplay and atmosphere makes Misadventure an absolutely gripping game.
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