Saturday, May 18, 2013

Hanamushi: Flower Insects

Genre: Point-and-click adventure
Completion Time: One hour and fifty minutes to complete the main story, parceled out in pieces over a couple of days and with occasional referencing of a walkthrough.

A surreal, haunting, and oddly endearing Japanese point-and-click adventure.


For the most part this is a fairly standard point-and-click adventure, although the dress-up mechanic is interesting in that it is both functional and aesthetic. In addition, the artist has scattered galleries of his other work throughout the game, which is a neat concept. 3/5


Without a walkthrough this would have been too frustrating to be worth my time (since the entire world is mostly open, realizing that you missed something means having to comb over at least a dozen screens). With the walkthrough, it was smooth and pleasant if not particularly exciting. Sadly, I have to dock a point for two minigames with aggravating interfaces. 2/5


This is another one where the real power is in the aesthetics. The characters are intriguing in design, and the whole world is beautifully executed with a very unique style. The ending was not mind-blowing or anything, but did provide a satisfying and affecting wrap-up that was worth playing through to.  4/5 

While not really meant to be played in one sitting, Hanamushi: Flower Insects provides a lovely little world to drop into during your coffee breaks.

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