Genre: Puzzle
Completion Time: Approximately one hour and fifteen minutes
The next time someone claims games can't be art, hit them with this.
The way the game plays with certain concepts is phenomenal. I don't want to spoil the sense of discovery so I will just tell you it deserves full marks. 5/5
Fun is not really the point of this game at all. Parts of it can get tedious, particularly carting around the stepladder. That said, it moved smoothly and I never got stuck for too long. (Take copious notes and be sure to reference the included translation file.) 3/5.
I already gave it 5/5 for interesting, so if I could give it 6/5 for moving then I would. This game used a phenomenal blend of visuals, sound, story, character, and surrealism to pack all the emotional punch of a good short film. I may have gotten some bonus chills because of my Japanese heritage, but I imagine this will affect anybody. 5/5.
An intense experience in a beautifully crafted package. Highly, highly recommended.
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