Genre: Puzzle adventure
Completion Time: Nineteen minutes
One of the best implementations I've seen of using mechanics to reinforce mood.
This seems to be a budding genre: games where you do the same thing repeatedly, getting further each time as you gather information and master skills. I am a huge fan. This is a fairly straightforward implementation, although it gets points for creative marriage of genre and theme. 3/5
The action was exciting and for the most part it was smoothly designed. For a game like this, being at loose ends would be torturous, and the way the world is laid out mostly managed to avoid that. That said, I wouldn't have wanted the game to be any longer. 4/5.
This game is short and simple, lacking the depth of my five-point games. That said, a lot of emotion is packed into the small interactions between the characters. And while I've never experienced a loss like the main character, I am familiar with the crippling depression he starts with. I thought the game did a phenomenal job capturing the experience of breaking out of apathy and re-engaging with life and the world. 4/5.
A powerful experience in a small package. Great demonstration of storytelling that can only be done via the unique medium of gaming. Highly recommended.