Saturday, June 1, 2013

Moon Waltz

Title: Moon Waltz
Genre: Webtoy
Completion Time: Approximately two minutes per runthrough, I went through five times.

A werewolf-themed webtoy with tons of hidden surprises.

Yes, that is a werewolf in handcuffs.


A simple, one-button premise--hit space to uncover the moon, which turns you into a werewolf. Extremely novel, turns out to have tons of potential. 5/5


They put a lot of depth into this--for example, turning into a werewolf right next to someone is different from turning into one a little ways away. For such a simple concept, I kept wanting to play over and over. 5/5


Emotional content is pretty minimal, although I am a sucker for games that let you destroy things. 2/

A great little webtoy, clearly demonstrating the power of attention to detail.

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