Monday, September 2, 2013

Escape from the Fishing Community Island

Title: Escape from the Fishing Community Island
Genre: Survival
Completion Time: About seven minutes on small/easy

Beware of demon fish.


I haven't played enough survival games to know how this stacks up. I do know that the "find three items and then escape" concept is fairly typical, and combat doesn't seem to be particularly exciting. However, the flavor is unique (demon fish stalking you on land!). In addition, I think the most interesting part of this game is the companions. When you find someone hiding, you can assign them a task--as you go your party gets more effective but also more cumbersome, which makes for interesting gameplay. 3/5


It has its exciting moments, but overall it's moderately repetitive. This is a prototype so hopefully they will shore it up (no pun intended) in the future. 2/5.


As I mentioned in the last review, I am a huge fan of mechanics being used to reinforce mood. The fish can attack not only you but also the members of your party, who are slightly slower than you--I've spent plenty of time dashing around the island going "Run, kid, run!" I'll tell you, I felt pretty bad the first time I let a kid get eaten by a fish (I tried to run away when I should have stopped and battled) and the impact is doubled by the fact that losing a party member means losing functionality. Not the most emotionally compelling game overall, but they do a nice job of creating moments 3/5.

A short, interesting prototype--it doesn't have a ton of replayability, but it's definitely worth checking out.